Package org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.granulecollector
Interface Summary Interface Description SubmosaicProducer Responsible for creating subsets of the whole imagemosaic.SubmosaicProducerFactory Creates the SubmosaicProducers necessary for the MosaicProducer to actually produce the mosaic. -
Class Summary Class Description BaseSubmosaicProducer Basic submosaic producer.DefaultSubmosaicProducer Class responsible for loading granules, mosaicking a group of granules, pre-processing them before handling, etc.DefaultSubmosaicProducerFactory Create SubmosaicProducer based on whether the request was for a stacked mosaic with additional domains requestedReprojectingSubmosaicProducerFactory Creates a SubmosaicProducer that can handle reprojecting granules into the mosaic's target CRSSubmosaicProducerFactoryFinder Helper finder for SubmosaicProducerFactories