Class FilterSAXParser

  • public class FilterSAXParser
    extends Object
    Creates filters from FilterFilter, which reads in a SAX stream and passes the appropriate messages here.
    Rob Hranac, Vision for New York
    , Chris Holmes, TOPP
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilterSAXParser

        public FilterSAXParser()
        Constructor which flags the operator as between.
      • FilterSAXParser

        public FilterSAXParser​(FilterFactory factory)
        Constructor injdection
    • Method Detail

      • setFilterFactory

        public void setFilterFactory​(FilterFactory factory)
        Setter injection
      • start

        public void start​(short filterType)
                   throws IllegalFilterException
        Handles all incoming generic string 'messages,' including a message to create the filter, based on the XML tag that represents the start of the filter.
        filterType - The string from the SAX filter.
        IllegalFilterException - Filter is illegal.
      • value

        public void value​(String message)
                   throws IllegalFilterException
        Handles all incoming generic string 'messages,' including a message to create the filter, based on the XML tag that represents the start of the filter.
        message - The string from the SAX filter.
        IllegalFilterException - Filter is illegal.
      • expression

        public void expression​(Expression expression)
                        throws IllegalFilterException
        Adds the passed in expression to the current filter. Generally created by the ExpressionSAXParser.
        expression - The value of the attribute for comparison.
        IllegalFilterException - if the expression does not match what the current filter is expecting.
        REVISIT: split this method up.
      • setDistance

        public void setDistance​(String distance,
                                String units)
                         throws IllegalFilterException
        This sets the distance for a GeometryDistanceFilter. It currently ignores the units, and attempts to convert the distance to a double.
        distance - the distance - should be a string of a double.
        units - a reference to a units dictionary.
        IllegalFilterException - if the distance string can not be converted to a double.
        TODO: Implement units, probably with org.geotools.units package and a special distance class in the filter package. It would be nice if the distance class could get any type of units, like it would handle the conversion.
      • setAttributes

        public void setAttributes​(Attributes atts)
        Sets the filter attributes. Called when attributes are encountered by the filter filter. Puts them in a hash map by thier name and value.
        atts - the attributes to set.