Class FilterFactoryCreationException

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class FilterFactoryCreationException
    extends Exception
    An exception that can be thrown by the StyleFactory if it fails to create the implementation of the StyleFactory.
    Ian Turton, CCG
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • FilterFactoryCreationException

        public FilterFactoryCreationException​(String msg)
        Constructs an instance of StyleFactoryCreationException with the specified detail message.
        msg - the detail message.
      • FilterFactoryCreationException

        public FilterFactoryCreationException​(Exception cause)
        Constructs an instance of FilterFactoryCreationException with the specified root cause.
        cause - the root cause of the exceptions.
      • FilterFactoryCreationException

        public FilterFactoryCreationException​(String msg,
                                              Exception cause)
        Constructs an instance of FilterFactoryCreationException with the specified detail message and root cause.
        msg - the detail message.
        cause - the root cause of the exceptions.