Class GroupByVisitor

    • Method Detail

      • wasOptimized

        public boolean wasOptimized()
      • wasVisited

        public boolean wasVisited()
      • getResult

        public CalcResult getResult()
        This method computes and returns the group by visitor result. If the computation was optimized the optimization result is returned otherwise the result is computed in memory. If for some reason an optimization result exists and there are visited features, an in memory computation is performed and is merged with the existing optimization results.
        Specified by:
        getResult in interface FeatureCalc
        group by visitor result
      • visit

        public void visit​(Feature feature)
        Description copied from interface: FeatureVisitor
        Visit the provided feature.

        Please consult the documentation for the FeatureCollection you are visiting to learn more - the provided feature may be invalid, or read only.

        Specified by:
        visit in interface FeatureVisitor
      • getExpression

        public Expression getExpression()
      • getGroupByAttributes

        public List<Expression> getGroupByAttributes()
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(List<GroupByVisitor.GroupByRawResult> value)
        Methods that allow optimizations to directly set the group by visitor result instead of computing it visiting all the features. Aggregate visitor results are wrapped with the appropriate feature calculation type.
        value - the group by visitor result