Class BasicFeatureTypes

  • public class BasicFeatureTypes
    extends Object
    Defines required attributes for Annotations.

    Annotations represent a text based geographic feature. The geometry stored in the feature indicates where the text should be drawn and the attribute indicated by the #ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME attribute holds the text to be displayed for the feature.


       if ( feature.getFeatureType().isDescendedFrom( AnnotationFeatureType.ANNOTATION ) )
         String attributeName = (String)feature.getAttribute( AnnotationFeatureType.ANNOTATION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME );
         String annotationText = (String)feature.getAttribute( attributeName );
         ... // Do something with the annotation text and feature
    John Meagher
    • Field Detail

      • FEATURE

        public static final SimpleFeatureType FEATURE
        The base type for all features
      • POLYGON

        public static final SimpleFeatureType POLYGON
        The FeatureType reference that should be used for Polygons
      • POINT

        public static final SimpleFeatureType POINT
        The FeatureType reference that should be used for Points
      • LINE

        public static final SimpleFeatureType LINE
        The FeatureType reference that should be used for Lines

        public static final String GEOMETRY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME
        The attribute name used to store the geometry
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
        Default namespace used for our POINT, LINE, POLYGON types.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values