Class DefaultProgressListener

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultProgressListener
    extends NullProgressListener
    implements ProgressListener
    Default Implementation of ProgressListener that does retain exceptions.

    We do not put particular attention on the management of canceled, started, completed, this is a default implementation.

    Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions SAS
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultProgressListener

        public DefaultProgressListener()
    • Method Detail

      • complete

        public void complete()
        Description copied from interface: ProgressListener
        Notifies this listener that the operation has finished. The progress indicator will shows 100% or disappears, at implementor choice. If warning messages were pending, they will be displayed now.
        Specified by:
        complete in interface ProgressListener
        complete in class NullProgressListener
      • progress

        public void progress​(float percent)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressListener
        Notifies this listener of progress in the lengthly operation. Progress are reported as a value between 0 and 100 inclusive. Values out of bounds will be clamped.
        Specified by:
        progress in interface ProgressListener
        progress in class NullProgressListener
        percent - The progress as a value between 0 and 100 inclusive.
      • warningOccurred

        public void warningOccurred​(String source,
                                    String margin,
                                    String warning)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressListener
        Reports a warning. This warning may be logged, printed to the standard error stream, appears in a windows or be ignored, at implementor choice.
        Specified by:
        warningOccurred in interface ProgressListener
        warningOccurred in class NullProgressListener
        source - Name of the warning source, or null if none. This is typically the filename in process of being parsed or the URL of the data being processed
        margin - Text to write on the left side of the warning message, or null if none. This is typically the line number where the error occured in the source file or the feature ID of the feature that produced the message
        warning - The warning message.
      • getTask

        public InternationalString getTask()
        Description copied from interface: ProgressListener
        Returns the description of the current task being performed, or null if none. It is assumed that if the task is null applications may simply report that the process is "in progress" or "working" as represented in the current locale.
        Specified by:
        getTask in interface ProgressListener
        getTask in class NullProgressListener
        Description of the task being performed, or null if none.
      • setTask

        public void setTask​(InternationalString task)
        Description copied from interface: ProgressListener
        Sets the description of the current task being performed. This method is usually invoked before any progress begins. However, it is legal to invoke this method at any time during the operation, in which case the description display is updated without any change to the percentage accomplished.
        Specified by:
        setTask in interface ProgressListener
        setTask in class NullProgressListener
        task - Description of the task being performed, or null if none.
      • isCompleted

        public boolean isCompleted()
        Is the task we are listening is completed.
        true if the task is completed, false if it is not.
      • getExceptions

        public Queue<Throwable> getExceptions()
        Return a copy of the Queue of exceptions that had happened.
        a copy of the Queue of exceptions that had happened.
      • hasExceptions

        public boolean hasExceptions()
        It tells us if we have exceptions or not.
        true if there are exceptions, false otherwise.
      • isStarted

        public boolean isStarted()
        Is the task we are listening for started.
        true if the task is started, false if it is not.