Class ColorConverterFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ColorConverterFactory
    extends Object
    implements ConverterFactory
    ConverterFactory for handling color conversions.

    Supported conversions:

    • "#FF0000" (String) -> Color.RED
    • 0xCC0000FF (Integer) -> RED with 80% alpha
    • "gray" (String) --> Color.GRAY

    This code was previously part of the SLD utility class, it is being made available as part of the Converters framework to allow for broader use.

    Jody Garnett (Refractions Research)
    • Field Detail


        public static Converter CONVERT_NUMBER_TO_COLOR
        Converts provided integer to color, taking care to allow rgb and rgba support.

        public static Converter CONVERT_CSS_TO_COLOR
        Converts CSS Color Module 4 names to colors, with a fallback to the basic CONVERT_STRING converter if the provided source String is not found in the CSS_COLORS map.

        This converter is willing to work with:

        • CSS_COLORS names such as "aliceblue".
        • rgb representation of the form rgb(0,0,255)
        • rgba representation of the form rgba(0,0,255,255)
        • Hex representation of the form #RRGGBB and #RRGGBBAA

        public static Converter CONVERT_COLOR_TO_STRING
        Converts color to hex representation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColorConverterFactory

        public ColorConverterFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createConverter

        public Converter createConverter​(Class source,
                                         Class target,
                                         Hints hints)
        Description copied from interface: ConverterFactory
        Creates a Converter instance for converting one type of object to another.
        Specified by:
        createConverter in interface ConverterFactory
        source - The type to convert from.
        target - The type to convert to.
        hints - Hints used to be used while creating a converter.
        The converter, or null if one could not be found.