Class CollectionConverterFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CollectionConverterFactory
    extends Object
    implements ConverterFactory
    Converts among arrays and different collection classes.

    THe following conversions are supported:

    • Collection to Collection where collections are different types ( ex list to set )
    • Collection to Array
    • Array to Collection
    • Array to Array where the declared type of the target array is assignable from the declared type of the source array
    Justin Deoliveira, The Open Planning Project
    • Field Detail

      • CollectionToCollection

        protected static final Converter CollectionToCollection
        Converter for collection to collection
      • CollectionToArray

        protected static final Converter CollectionToArray
        Converter for collection to array.
      • ArrayToCollection

        protected static final Converter ArrayToCollection
        Converter for array to collection.
      • ArrayToArray

        protected static final Converter ArrayToArray
        Converter for array to array.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CollectionConverterFactory

        public CollectionConverterFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • createConverter

        public Converter createConverter​(Class<?> source,
                                         Class<?> target,
                                         Hints hints)
        Description copied from interface: ConverterFactory
        Creates a Converter instance for converting one type of object to another.
        Specified by:
        createConverter in interface ConverterFactory
        source - The type to convert from.
        target - The type to convert to.
        hints - Hints used to be used while creating a converter.
        The converter, or null if one could not be found.