Interface ShapeHandler

    • Method Detail

      • getShapeType

        ShapeType getShapeType()
        Get the ShapeType of this handler.
        The ShapeType.
      • read

        Object read​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                    ShapeType type,
                    boolean flatGeometry)
        Read a geometry from the ByteBuffer. The buffer's position, byteOrder, and limit are set to that which is needed. The record has been read as well as the shape type integer. The handler need not worry about reading unused information as the ShapefileReader will correctly adjust the buffer position after this call.
        buffer - The ByteBuffer to read from.
        A geometry object.
      • write

        void write​(ByteBuffer buffer,
                   Object geometry)
        Write the geometry into the ByteBuffer. The position, byteOrder, and limit are all set. The handler is not responsible for writing the record or shape type integer.
        buffer - The ByteBuffer to write to.
        geometry - The geometry to write.
      • getLength

        int getLength​(Object geometry)
        Get the length of the given geometry Object in bytes not 16-bit words. This is easier to keep track of, since the ByteBuffer deals with bytes. Do not include the 8 bytes of record.
        geometry - The geometry to analyze.
        The number of bytes the shape will take up.