Class DataDefinition

  • public class DataDefinition
    extends Object
    Field definition
    Tommaso Nolli
    • Constructor Detail

      • DataDefinition

        public DataDefinition​(String charset)
    • Method Detail

      • isValid

        public final boolean isValid()
      • getFieldsCount

        public int getFieldsCount()
      • addField

        public void addField​(Class<?> clazz)
        Well known classes
        • Short
        • Integer
        • Long
        • Float
        • Double
        • Date
      • addField

        public void addField​(int len)
        For classes with unknown length; this values will be threated as Strings and truncated at the specified len
      • getCharset

        public Charset getCharset()
        Character set values are encoded in.
      • getLen

        public int getLen()
        Gets the max len of the data
      • getEncodedLen

        public int getEncodedLen()
        Gets the len of this field after the encoding, this method may be different from getLen() only if exists strings in the definition