Class AbstractRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRequest

        public AbstractRequest​(URL onlineResource,
                               Properties properties)
        Creates an AbstractRequest.

        If properties isn't null, it will use them instead of creating a new Properties object.

        This constructor will strip all the query parameters off of onlineResource and put them in the properties map. This allows clients to provide their own parameters and have them saved and used along with the OWS specific ones.

        However, certain parameters will be over-written by individual requests themselves. Examples of such parameters include, but are not limited to:

        • WMTVER
        • REQUEST
        • VERSION
        • SERVICE
        onlineResource - the URL to construct the Request for
        properties - a map of pre-set parameters to be used. Can be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getFinalURL

        public URL getFinalURL()
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Once the properties of the request are configured, this will return the URL that points to the server and contains all of the appropriate name/value parameters.
        Specified by:
        getFinalURL in interface Request
        a URL that can be used to issue the request
        See Also:
      • processKey

        protected String processKey​(String key)
        Some Open Web Servers do not abide by the fact that parameter keys should be case insensitive.

        This method will allow a specification to determine the way that the parameter keys should be encoded in requests made by the server.

        key - the key to be processed
        the key, after being processed. (made upper case, for example)
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(String name,
                                String value)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Sets the name/value property for this request.

        Note that when using this method, it is up to the programmer to provide their own encoding of value according to the OWS specifications! The code will not do this for you.

        Different OWS specifications define different ways to do this. There are notorious differences between WMS 1.1.1 (section 6.2.1) and WMS 1.3.0 (section 6.3.2) for example.

        If value is null, "name" is removed from the properties table.

        Specified by:
        setProperty in interface Request
        name - the name of the property
        value - the value of the property
      • initRequest

        protected abstract void initRequest()
      • initService

        protected abstract void initService()
        Implementing subclass requests must specify their own "SERVICE" value. Example: setProperty("SERVICE", "WFS");
      • initVersion

        protected abstract void initVersion()
        Sets up the version number for this request. Typically something like setProperty("VERSION", "1.1.1");
      • getPostContentType

        public String getPostContentType()
        Default POST content type is xml
        Specified by:
        getPostContentType in interface Request
        the MIME type of the data to be sent during the request
      • requiresPost

        public boolean requiresPost()
        Default to not requiring POST. Implementors can override if they need to.
        Specified by:
        requiresPost in interface Request
        true if this request needs POST support, false otherwise.
      • setRequestHints

        public void setRequestHints​(Map<String,​Object> hints)
        Description copied from interface: Request
        Sets hints that might be driving how the request is performed
        Specified by:
        setRequestHints in interface Request