AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator |
Utility class to create a set of
objects from a complex datastore's configuration object ( AppSchemaDataAccessDTO ).
AppSchemaDataAccessConfigurator.ComplexNameImpl |
Name implementation capable of store more information about the attribute/element
AppSchemaDataAccessDTO |
AppSchemaFeatureTypeRegistry |
AttributeMapping |
Configuration object for the mapping of a community schema attribute.
DataAccessMap |
Utility class to help keep track of the DataAccess instances created while parsing App-Schema
configuration and thus avoid creating the same (i.e. with identical configuration parameters)
DataAccess twice.
JdbcMultipleValue |
Implementation of the multivalued mappings API for JDBC based data sources.
NonFeatureTypeProxy |
This class represents the fake feature type needed for feature chaining for properties that are
not features.
SourceDataStore |
TypeMapping |
XMLConfigDigester |