Class NumberRangeComparator

    • Constructor Detail

      • NumberRangeComparator

        public NumberRangeComparator()
    • Method Detail

      • doubleCompare

        public static int doubleCompare​(double firstRangeMin,
                                        double firstRangeMax,
                                        double secondRangeMin,
                                        double secondRangeMax)
        Given a set of 4 double representing the extrema of 2 ranges, compare the 2 ranges.
        firstRangeMin - the min value of the first range
        firstRangeMax - the max value of the first range
        secondRangeMin - the min value of the second range
        secondRangeMax - the max value of the second range
        TODO: Improve that logic to deal with special cases on intervals management