Uses of Package
Packages that use Package Description org.geotools.gce.geotiff A grid coverage exchange to manage the GeoTIFF Revision 1.0 format. -
Classes in used by Class Description TiePoint Quoting the geotiff spec: -
Classes in used by Class Description GeographicCitation Parsers for theGeoTiffGCSCodes.GeogCitationGeoKey
values and returns them as separate fieldsGeoKeyEntry This class is a holder for a GeoKey record containing four short values as specified in the GeoTiff spec.GeoTiffException This exception is thrown when the problem with reading the GeoTiff file has to do with constructing either the raster to model transform, or the coordinate system.GeoTiffIIOMetadataDecoder This class provides an abstraction from the details of TIFF data access for the purpose of retrieving GeoTIFFWritingUtilities metadata from an image.GeoTiffIIOMetadataEncoder This class is responsible for encoding the geotiff tags into suitable metadata for the ImageIO library.GeoTiffIIOMetadataEncoder.TagSet PixelScale This class is a placeholder for defining exact affine transformations between raster and model space.TiePoint Quoting the geotiff spec: -
Classes in used by org.geotools.gce.geotiff Class Description GeoTiffIIOMetadataDecoder This class provides an abstraction from the details of TIFF data access for the purpose of retrieving GeoTIFFWritingUtilities metadata from an image.GeoTiffIIOMetadataEncoder This class is responsible for encoding the geotiff tags into suitable metadata for the ImageIO library.