Class SidecarFootprintProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SidecarFootprintProvider
    extends Object
    implements FootprintGeometryProvider
    A footprint provider looking for sidecar files (SHP, WKB, WKT, ...). By default, footprints are searched as files living beside the data file. In case a "FOOTPRINTS_DATA_DIR" property is specified, footprints are searched into an external directory too in case they aren't found on the main folder.

    This can be useful for cases where the data file lives into a read only folder.

    Suppose data is in /path/to/mydata/tile.tif In the need of supporting footprints into a different location, users should replicate that path within a common folder and define that common folder through the "FOOTPRINTS_DATA_DIR" system property.

    As an instance, users may put a tile.wkb into /footprints/path/to/mydata/tile.wkb having specified -DFOOTPRINTS_DATA_DIR=/footprints at startup.

    Andrea Aime - GeoSolutions, Daniele Romagnoli - GeoSolutions
    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        public static final String FOOTPRINTS_DATA_DIR_KEY
        String associated to the footprints data directory property
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SidecarFootprintProvider

        public SidecarFootprintProvider​(File reference)