Class GridFormatFinder

  • public final class GridFormatFinder
    extends Object
    Enable programs to find all available grid format implementations.

    In order to be located by this finder datasources must provide an implementation of the GridFormatFactorySpi interface.

    In addition to implementing this interface datasouces should have a services file:

    The file should contain a single line which gives the full name of the implementing class.


    Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
    • Method Detail

      • getAvailableFormats

        public static Set<GridFormatFactorySpi> getAvailableFormats()
        Finds all avalaible implementations of GridFormatFactorySpi which have registered using the services mechanism, and that have the appropriate libraries on the classpath.
        An unmodifiable Set of all discovered datastores which have registered factories, and whose available method returns true.
      • scanForPlugins

        public static void scanForPlugins()
        Scans for factory plug-ins on the application class path. This method is needed because the application class path can theoretically change, or additional plug-ins may become available. Rather than re-scanning the classpath on every invocation of the API, the class path is scanned automatically only on the first invocation. Clients can call this method to prompt a re-scan. Thus this method need only be invoked by sophisticated applications which dynamically make new plug-ins available at runtime.
      • getFormatArray

        public static Format[] getFormatArray()
        Returns an array with all available GridFormatFactorySpi implementations.

        It can be used toget basic information about all the available GridCoverage plugins. Note that this method finds all the implemented plugins but returns only the available one.

        A plugin could be implemented but not available due to missing dependencies.

        an array with all available GridFormatFactorySpi implementations.
      • findFormats

        public static Set<AbstractGridFormat> findFormats​(Object o,
                                                          Hints hints)
        Returns all the Formats that can read the supplied Object o.
        o - is the object to search a Format that is able to read
        hints - the Hints to control the format search.
        an unmodifiable Set comprising all the Format that can read the Object o.
      • findFormat

        public static AbstractGridFormat findFormat​(Object o)
        Returns a Format that is able to read a certain object. If no Format is able to read such an Object we return an UnknownFormat object.

        It is worth to point out that this method will try to convert each format implementation to AbstractGridFormat because the original Format interface did not allow for an accept method hence we had to subclass the interface to add such method and we did so by the AbstractGridFormat abstract class.

        o - the object to check for acceptance.
        an AbstractGridFormat that has stated to accept this Object o or null in no plugins was able to accept it.
      • findFormat

        public static AbstractGridFormat findFormat​(Object o,
                                                    Hints hints)
        Returns a Format that is able to read a certain object. If no Format is able to read such an Object we return an UnknownFormat object.

        It is worth to point out that this method will try to convert each format implementation to AbstractGridFormat because the original Format interface did not allow for an accept method hence we had to subclass the interface to add such method and we did so by the AbstractGridFormat abstract class.

        o - the object to check for acceptance.
        hints - the Hints to control the format search.
        an AbstractGridFormat that has stated to accept this Object o or null in no plugins was able to accept it.