Interface FIDReader

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultFIDReader, IndexedFidReader

    public interface FIDReader
    FeatureReader customized for FeatureID handling.

    An experimental method for doing FIDs. I'd like to see it and AttributeReader extend a similar base. Perhaps BaseReader or something? And perhaps have FeatureReader extend it too? This reader just returns an incrementing index. May be sufficient for files, representing rows in a file. For jdbc datasources another fid reader should be used.

    We could have FIDReader implement AttributeReader, but it doesn't seem to make sense, as the getAttributeType doesn't make much sense, as our featureID is just a string. Or we could consider having a special FID attribute in our hierarchy.

    Chris Holmes
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void close()
      Release any resources associated with this reader
      boolean hasNext()
      Returns whether another fid exists for this reader.
      String next()
      Gets the next FID from the Reader.
    • Method Detail

      • close

        void close()
            throws IOException
        Release any resources associated with this reader
      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext()
                 throws IOException
        Returns whether another fid exists for this reader.
        true if more content exists