Class ValueRangeTypeImpl

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class BasicEObjectImpl

        BasicEObjectImpl.EPropertiesHolder, BasicEObjectImpl.EPropertiesHolderBaseImpl, BasicEObjectImpl.EPropertiesHolderImpl
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class BasicNotifierImpl

        BasicNotifierImpl.EAdapterList<E extends Object & Adapter>, BasicNotifierImpl.EObservableAdapterList, BasicNotifierImpl.EScannableAdapterList
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface InternalEObject

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected boolean atomic
      The cached value of the 'Atomic' attribute.
      protected static boolean ATOMIC_EDEFAULT
      The default value of the 'Atomic' attribute.
      protected boolean atomicESet
      This is true if the Atomic attribute has been set.
      protected ClosureType closure
      The cached value of the 'Closure' attribute.
      protected static ClosureType CLOSURE_EDEFAULT
      The default value of the 'Closure' attribute.
      protected boolean closureESet
      This is true if the Closure attribute has been set.
      protected TypedLiteralType max
      The cached value of the 'Max' containment reference.
      protected TypedLiteralType min
      The cached value of the 'Min' containment reference.
      protected String semantic
      The cached value of the 'Semantic' attribute.
      protected static String SEMANTIC_EDEFAULT
      The default value of the 'Semantic' attribute.
      protected String type
      The cached value of the 'Type' attribute.
      protected static String TYPE_EDEFAULT
      The default value of the 'Type' attribute.
      • Fields inherited from class EObjectImpl

        eAdapters, eContainer, eContainerFeatureID, EDELIVER, EDYNAMIC_CLASS, eFlags, ELAST_EOBJECT_FLAG, ELAST_NOTIFIER_FLAG, eProperties, EPROXY
      • Fields inherited from class BasicEObjectImpl

      • Fields inherited from interface InternalEObject

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected ValueRangeTypeImpl()
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      NotificationChain basicSetMax​(TypedLiteralType newMax, NotificationChain msgs)
      NotificationChain basicSetMin​(TypedLiteralType newMin, NotificationChain msgs)
      Object eGet​(int featureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType)
      NotificationChain eInverseRemove​(InternalEObject otherEnd, int featureID, NotificationChain msgs)
      boolean eIsSet​(int featureID)
      void eSet​(int featureID, Object newValue)
      protected EClass eStaticClass()
      void eUnset​(int featureID)
      ClosureType getClosure()
      TypedLiteralType getMax()
      TypedLiteralType getMin()
      String getSemantic()
      String getType()
      boolean isAtomic()
      boolean isSetAtomic()
      boolean isSetClosure()
      void setAtomic​(boolean newAtomic)
      void setClosure​(ClosureType newClosure)
      void setMax​(TypedLiteralType newMax)
      void setMin​(TypedLiteralType newMin)
      void setSemantic​(String newSemantic)
      void setType​(String newType)
      String toString()
      void unsetAtomic()
      void unsetClosure()
      • Methods inherited from class EObjectImpl

        eAdapters, eBasicAdapters, eBasicProperties, eBasicSetContainer, eClass, eContainerFeatureID, eDeliver, eInternalContainer, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eProperties, eSetClass, eSetDeliver, eSetProxyURI
      • Methods inherited from class BasicEObjectImpl

        eAddVirtualValue, eAllContents, eBaseStructuralFeatureID, eBasicRemoveFromContainer, eBasicRemoveFromContainerFeature, eBasicSetContainer, eComputeVirtualValuesCapacity, eContainer, eContainerAdapterArray, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContains, eContents, eCrossReferences, eDerivedOperationID, eDerivedOperationID, eDerivedStructuralFeatureID, eDerivedStructuralFeatureID, eDirectResource, eDynamicBasicRemoveFromContainer, eDynamicClass, eDynamicFeature, eDynamicFeatureID, eDynamicGet, eDynamicGet, eDynamicGet, eDynamicInverseAdd, eDynamicInverseAdd, eDynamicInverseRemove, eDynamicInverseRemove, eDynamicInvoke, eDynamicInvoke, eDynamicIsSet, eDynamicIsSet, eDynamicIsSet, eDynamicSet, eDynamicSet, eDynamicSet, eDynamicUnset, eDynamicUnset, eDynamicUnset, eGet, eGet, eGet, eHasSettings, eInternalResource, eInverseAdd, eInverseAdd, eInverseRemove, eInvocationDelegate, eInvoke, eIsSet, eObjectForURIFragmentSegment, eOpenGet, eOpenIsSet, eOpenSet, eOpenUnset, eProxyURI, eRemoveVirtualValue, eResolveProxy, eResource, eSet, eSetDirectResource, eSetResource, eSetStore, eSetting, eSettingDelegate, eSettings, eSetVirtualIndexBits, eSetVirtualValue, eSetVirtualValues, eStaticFeatureCount, eStaticOperationCount, eStore, eUnset, eURIFragmentSegment, eVirtualBitCount, eVirtualGet, eVirtualGet, eVirtualIndex, eVirtualIndexBits, eVirtualIsSet, eVirtualSet, eVirtualUnset, eVirtualValue, eVirtualValues
      • Methods inherited from class BasicNotifierImpl

        eBasicAdapterArray, eBasicHasAdapters, eNotificationRequired, eNotify
      • Methods inherited from interface EObject

        eAllContents, eClass, eContainer, eContainingFeature, eContainmentFeature, eContents, eCrossReferences, eGet, eGet, eInvoke, eIsProxy, eIsSet, eResource, eSet, eUnset
      • Methods inherited from interface InternalEObject

      • Methods inherited from interface Notifier

        eAdapters, eDeliver, eNotify, eSetDeliver