Interface ExtentType

  • All Superinterfaces:
    EObject, Notifier
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ExtentType
    extends EObject
    A representation of the model object 'Extent Type'. Information about the spatial, vertical, and/or temporal extent of a reference system object. Constraints: At least one of the elements "description", "boundingBox", "boundingPolygon", "verticalExtent", and temporalExtent" must be included, but more that one can be included when appropriate. Furthermore, more than one "boundingBox", "boundingPolygon", "verticalExtent", and/or temporalExtent" element can be included, with more than one meaning the union of the individual domains.

    The following features are supported:

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(StringOrRefType value)
        Sets the value of the 'Description' containment reference.
        value - the new value of the 'Description' containment reference.
        See Also:
      • getBoundingBox

        EList<EnvelopeType> getBoundingBox()
        Returns the value of the 'Bounding Box' containment reference list. The list contents are of type EnvelopeType. Unordered list of bounding boxes (or envelopes) whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.
        the value of the 'Bounding Box' containment reference list.
        See Also:
      • getBoundingPolygon

        EList<PolygonType> getBoundingPolygon()
        Returns the value of the 'Bounding Polygon' containment reference list. The list contents are of type PolygonType. Unordered list of bounding polygons whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.
        the value of the 'Bounding Polygon' containment reference list.
        See Also:
      • getVerticalExtent

        EList<EnvelopeType> getVerticalExtent()
        Returns the value of the 'Vertical Extent' containment reference list. The list contents are of type EnvelopeType. Unordered list of vertical intervals whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.
        the value of the 'Vertical Extent' containment reference list.
        See Also:
      • getTemporalExtent

        EList<TimePeriodType> getTemporalExtent()
        Returns the value of the 'Temporal Extent' containment reference list. The list contents are of type TimePeriodType. Unordered list of time periods whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.
        the value of the 'Temporal Extent' containment reference list.
        See Also: