MongoDB Plugin

MongoDB is a popular documentation database. This plugin provides read-write access to appropriately indexed collections.



To publish a collection:

  • A compliant collection must have one or more spatial indexes of type 2dsphere. Any collection without an indexed field of type 2dsphere will be ignored.

  • When examining compliant collections, the schema store will be queried for an existing schema by using the collection name as the schema name. If a schema exists it will be used, otherwise the schema is inferred from the collection and cached to the schema store for reuse.

  • Location data is stored in a collection as GeoJSON objects. The coordinate reference system for GeoJSON uses the WGS84 datum with axis order longitude/latitude. Therefore, the geometry attribute descriptor in a schema must specify EPSG:4326 as CRS (always true for inferred schemas).

  • A new collection can be created using createSchema method. This should not be used to manually define a schema for an existing collection.


The MongoDataStore supports the use of MongoDB as a data store with the following connection parameters:

  • data_store: specifies the MongoDB instance and database to connect to.

    This field requires a MongoDB client URI as specified by the MongoDB Manual. A typical URI will be of the form: mongodb:// .

    The URI must include a database, but the database will be created if it does not yet exist. Write access is only required if the database needs to be created or if other write operations such as WFS Transactions are expected. If needed, credentials can be supplied with the MongoDB client URI, in the form: mongodb:// .

  • schema_store: Designates the storage for inferred and manually defined schemas.

    This field can accept either a MongoDB , file URI or Http(s) URL (Pointing to single JSON file or a Zip files containing JSON files at root or inside a directory). The directory will be created if it does not exist,in which case write permissions will be necessary. If schema_store is pointing to a Http(s) URL, the files be downloaded inside the working directory. If URL is pointing to a Zip file, it will be downloaded inside working directory and the extracted directory will be used as Schema Store directory. Downloaded Zip file can have schema JSON files at root or inside a directory.

    The database and collection names are optional. If missing, the database name will default to geotools and the collection name to schemas. The database and collection must be writable using the credentials provided with the URI. Schemas are stored as MongoDB documents or files adhering to the JSON schema format with the schema “Type Name” (typeName) as the key.

  • max_objs_schema: specifies the maximum integer number of JSON objects on the collection to be used in the schema generation process. The default value is 1. This parameter is not required.

  • objs_id_schema: specifies a collection of comma separated Object IDs to be used in the schema generation process. It can be used along with max_objs_schema parameter. Default is empty. This parameter is not required.

JSON Schema

Keep in mind:

  • The valid GeoJSON geometry encodings are Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon. GeoJSON multigeometry variants are only supported for MongoDB version 2.5 and newer.

  • The following Java equivalents of BSON types are valid: String, Double, Long, Integer, Boolean, Date.

For the following GeoJSON feature:

{   "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [ 45.52, -122.681944 ]
    "properties": {
        "city": "Portland",
        "year": "2014"
        "attendance": "840"

is described using the following schema:

    "typeName": "places",
    "userData": {
        "collection": "places"
    "geometryDescriptor": {
        "localName": "location",
        "crs": {
            "properties": {
                "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326"
            "type": "name"
    "attributeDescriptors": [
            "localName": "location",
            "type": {
                "binding": "org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point"
            "userData": {
                "encoding": "GeoJSON",
                "mapping": "geometry"
        {   "localName": "city",
            "type": { "binding": "java.lang.String" },
            "userData": { "mapping": "" }
        {   "localName": "year",
            "type": { "binding": "java.lang.String" },
            "userData": { "mapping": "properties.year" }
        {   "localName": "attendance",
            "type": { "binding": "java.lang.String" },
            "userData": {  "mapping": "properties.attendance" }

File URI schema stores:

  • For the directory-based schema store, edit the JSON document with the typeName requiring modification.

    Schemas are written using createSchema() without indenting, but you can indent the resulting file for readability if desired.

MongoDB URI schema stores:

  • Using a MongoDB document manipulation tool, update or insert the schema document in the collection maintaining the document in a form that follows the JSON schema format.

    The JSON files contained in the file schema store are in a format that can be inserted into a MongoDB schema store (as long as the typeName in the file is unique to the document collection ).

    Multiple schemas, or views, can be created for a single MongoDB document collection by creating a new, unique, typeName and specifying the collection under the root-level userData object.

Implementation Notes

  • Bounding box calculation makes use of a full table scan.

  • Multigeometry support requires MongoDB versions 2.5 and newer

  • Self-intersecting polygons is a common data problem preventing MongoDBDataStore from functioning. Please note that self-intersection may arise due to the transformation to WGS84 coordinates (which is a necessary preliminary step for importing data into MongoDB), even if they did not exist in the original data set.

  • All 2dsphere indexes and spatial operations assume the WGS84 datum. All indexed GeoJSON data stored in a MongoDB document collection is assumed to be referenced with the WGS84 coordinate reference system.

  • Native $or operator execution is automatically enabled when MongoDB detected version >= 2.6.0; if you run a lower version, native $or operator execution is automatically disabled.

  • Within, Intersects and BBOX filters are implemented with $geoWithin and $geoIntersects operations. These operations are limited when effected by geometries spanning a hemisphere (and will use the smaller geometry).

Usage Notes

  • Attribute names containing characters other than letters and numbers may cause issues if used in CQL filters and therefore should be enclosed in double quotes (see: This is especially relevant for nested properties, which are named after their full path (dot-notation) by the default schema inference algorithm.