The CQL utility class provides a nice front end to produce Filters and Expressions from a text String.


CQL Utility Class

The CQL utility class consists of static methods you can call to convert a text String into an Expression, Filter or List<Filter>. It is also able to take these these items and produce the appropriate text representation.


The following are examples of use for the CQL to Filter parser. For a full understanding of the predicate language, refer to the BNF .


As you can see above the CQL class can be run on the command line.

It allows you to try out the CQL examples on this page; and produces the XML Filter representation of the result.:

CQL Filter Tester
("quit" to finish)
>attr > 10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ogc:PropertyIsGreaterThan xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">



  • Simple example:

    Filter filter = CQL.toFilter("attName >= 5");

    will give you a GeoAPI Filter correspondent to:

    <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc" xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml">

    You can output the text again using:

    CQL.toCQL( filter );
  • Parsing a single Expression

    If you want to parse a single Expression instead of a Filter:

    Expression expr = CQL.toExpression("attName");

    You can get the text again using:

    CQL.toCQL( expr );
  • Parsing a list of Filters

    It is even possible to parse a list of Filters at once. This is useful for applications like GeoServer which, for example, allows to define a filter predicate for each layer in a WMS GetMap request.

    Separate out each filter using a “;” character:

    List filters = CQL.toFilterList("att1 > 5;ogc:name = 'river'");

    In this example, you’ll get two filters, since the “;” character acts as delimiter.

  • Using your own FilterFactory.

    If you already have a factory around no sense forcing CQL to create one internally:

    Filter filter = CQL.toFilter("attName >= 5", filterFactory );
  • Include and Exclude

    You can represent the include and exclude tokens:

    String cql = "INCLUDE;EXCLUDE";
    List filters = CQL.toFilterList(cql);


    • INCLUDE is a null indicating you do not wish to apply any constraints at all.

    • EXCLUDE is used to filter all content.

  • Filter by Comparing Values:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter("ATTR1 < (1 + ((2 / 3) * 4))" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter("ATTR1 < abs(ATTR2)" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter("ATTR1 < 10 AND ATTR2 < 2 OR ATTR3 > 10" );
  • Filter using Text:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 LIKE 'abc%'" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 NOT LIKE 'abc%'" );
  • Filter Nulls:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 IS NULL" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 IS NOT NULL" );
    Filter by Comparing Time values
  • Filter by Comparing Time values

    Equal to a date:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 TEQUALS 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z" );

    Before a date:

            Before filter = (Before) CQL.toFilter("lastEarthQuake BEFORE 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z");

    Before a period:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 BEFORE 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z/2006-12-31T01:30:00Z" );

    After a date:

            After filter = (After) CQL.toFilter("lastEarthQuake AFTER 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z");

    After a date using time zone GMT+3:

            After filter = (After) CQL.toFilter("lastEarthQuake AFTER 2006-11-30T01:30:00+03:00");

    After a period:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 AFTER 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z/2006-12-31T01:30:00Z" );

    Temporal predicate with duration (ten day after 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z ):

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 AFTER 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z/P10D" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 AFTER 2006-11-30T01:30:00Z/T10H" );

    During predicate:

            During filter = (During) CQL.toFilter("lastEarthQuake DURING 1700-01-01T00:00:00/2011-01-01T00:00:00");
  • Filter based on Existence

    Check if something exists:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 EXISTS" );

    Check if something does not exist:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 DOES-NOT-EXIST" );
  • Filter by checking if a Value is Between:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "ATTR1 BETWEEN 10 AND 20" );
  • Using Compound Attributes:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "gmd:MD_Metadata.gmd:identificationInfo.gmd:MD_DataIdentification.gmd:abstract LIKE  'abc%'" );
  • Filter using Geometry Relationship:

    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "CONTAINS(ATTR1, POINT(1 2))" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "BBOX(ATTR1, 10,20,30,40)" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "DWITHIN(ATTR1, POINT(1 2), 10, kilometers)" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "CROSS(ATTR1, LINESTRING(1 2, 10 15))" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "INTERSECT(ATTR1, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (10 10),POINT (30 30),LINESTRING (15 15, 20 20)) )" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "CROSSES(ATTR1, LINESTRING(1 2, 10 15))" );
    Filter result = CQL.toFilter( "INTERSECTS(ATTR1, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (10 10),POINT (30 30),LINESTRING (15 15, 20 20)) )" );

    The following example shows how to make a filter using the RELATE operation. In this case, the DE-9IM pattern corresponds to the contains spatial relation, It will be true if the first geometry contains the second.

            Filter filter =
                    ECQL.toFilter("RELATE(geometry, LINESTRING (-134.921387 58.687767, -135.303391 59.092838), T*****FF*)");