
A classifier captures a group of values (either expressed explicitly or as a range) providing a title to each group.


You can consider a Classifier as a set of groups into which you can sort your data:

  • ExplicitClassifier

    Definition of explicit classifier by hand:

            Set[] zones = new Set[3];
            // urban commercial or residencial
            zones[0] = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
                "Zone 1", "Zone 2",
            // municipal or crown parkland
            zones[1] = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] {
                "Zone 4", "Crown 2",
            // industrial
            zones[2] = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"Zone 3"}));
            Classifier landuse = new ExplicitClassifier(zones);
            landuse.setTitle(0, "urban");
            landuse.setTitle(1, "park");
            landuse.setTitle(2, "industrial");
  • RangedClassifier

    Definition of a ranged classifier by hand:

            Comparable[] min = new Comparable[25];
            Comparable[] max = new Comparable[25];
            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
                min[i] = (char) ('A' + i);
                max[i] = (char) ('B' + i);
            Classifier alphabetical = new RangedClassifier(min, max);
  • As shown above each group can be provided with a title; these titles will be used in the generated styles:

            groups.setTitle(0, "Group A");
            groups.setTitle(1, "Group B");
  • You can also automatically generate a Classifier from a FeatureCollection.

    The following “classifier” functions are available:

    • EqualInterval - classifier where each group represents the same sized range

    • Jenks - generate the Jenks’ Natural Breaks classification

    • Quantile - classifier with an even number of items in each group

    • StandardDeviation - generated using the standard deviation method

    • UniqueInterval - variation of EqualInterval that takes into account unique values

    Here is the code example with quantile:

            FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory();
            Function classify = ff.function("Quantile","name"), ff.literal(2));
            Classifier groups = (Classifier) classify.evaluate(collection);

    Example using EqualInterval to break down a continuous range of values (such as height):

            FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory();
            Function classify = ff.function("EqualInterval","height"), ff.literal(5));
            // this will create a nice smooth series of intervals suitable for presentation
            // with:
            // - sequential color palette to make each height blend smoothly into the next
            // - diverging color palettes if you want to make higher and lower areas stand out more
            Classifier height = (Classifier) classify.evaluate(collection);

    Example using Quantile to break up a list of items (such as zones):

            FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory();
            Function classify = ff.function("Quantile","zone"), ff.literal(2));
            // Zones assigned by a municipal board do not have an intrinsic numerical
            // meaning making them suitable for display using:
            // - qualitative palette where each zone would have the same visual impact
            Classifier groups = (Classifier) classify.evaluate(collection);