Class ResponsiblePartyImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Cloneable, ResponsibleParty

    public class ResponsiblePartyImpl
    extends MetadataEntity
    implements ResponsibleParty
    Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with the dataset.
    Martin Desruisseaux (IRD), Touraïvane
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResponsiblePartyImpl

        public ResponsiblePartyImpl()
        Constructs an initially empty responsible party.
      • ResponsiblePartyImpl

        public ResponsiblePartyImpl​(ResponsibleParty source)
        Constructs a new responsible party initialized to the values specified by the given object. This constructor performs a shallow copy (i.e. each source attributes are reused without copying them).
      • ResponsiblePartyImpl

        public ResponsiblePartyImpl​(Role role)
        Constructs a responsible party with the given role.
      • ResponsiblePartyImpl

        public ResponsiblePartyImpl​(ResponsiblePartySubsetType rpSubset)
    • Method Detail

      • OGC

        public static ResponsibleParty OGC​(Role role,
                                           OnLineResource resource)
        Creates a responsible party metadata entry for OGC involvement. The organisation name is automatically set to "Open Geospatial Consortium".
        role - The OGC role (point of contact, owner, etc.) for a resource.
        resource - The URI to the resource.
        Responsible party describing OGC involvement.
      • OGC

        public static ResponsibleParty OGC​(Role role,
                                           OnLineFunction function,
                                           URI onlineResource)
        Creates a responsible party metadata entry for OGC involvement. The organisation name is automatically set to "Open Geospatial Consortium".
        role - The OGC role (point of contact, owner, etc.) for a resource.
        function - The OGC function (information, download, etc.) for a resource.
        onlineResource - The URI to the resource.
        Responsible party describing OGC involvement.
      • getIndividualName

        public String getIndividualName()
        Returns the name of the responsible person- surname, given name, title separated by a delimiter. Only one of individualName, organisationName and positionName should be provided.
        Specified by:
        getIndividualName in interface ResponsibleParty
        Name, surname, given name and title of the responsible person, or null.
      • setIndividualName

        public void setIndividualName​(String newValue)
        Set the name of the responsible person- surname, given name, title separated by a delimiter. Only one of individualName, organisationName and positionName should be provided.
      • getContactInfo

        public Contact getContactInfo()
        Returns the address of the responsible party.
        Specified by:
        getContactInfo in interface ResponsibleParty
        Address of the responsible party., or null.
      • setContactInfo

        public void setContactInfo​(Contact newValue)
        Set the address of the responsible party.
      • getRole

        public Role getRole()
        Returns the function performed by the responsible party.
        Specified by:
        getRole in interface ResponsibleParty
        Function performed by the responsible party.
      • setRole

        public void setRole​(Role newValue)
        Set the function performed by the responsible party.